Achievements is an agency staffed with enthusiastic professionals who are dedicated to help children with special needs. We service children who are under the realm of Early Intervention (Birth-2), Preschool/CPSE (3-5), as well as CSE/School aged.
At Achievements, we provide individual therapies, as well as group therapies, within our classrooms and enrichment groups. Within our schools, we have Universal PreK classrooms (UPK), Preschool classrooms, 2.5 hour & 5.0 hour Integrated Classrooms, and 5.0 hour Self-Contained Classrooms for 3-5 year old children.
All of our therapies are provided in a therapeutic play environment whether it be at one of our sites, the child’s daycare, the child’s school, or the child’s home.

Our beliefs
We Believe All Children Have a Bright Future
The development of children is significantly influenced by the degree of intellectual, physical, emotional, and social stimulation in their environment.
Children learn through play, exploration, hands-on observation, and through positive feedback from the adults who influence them on a daily basis.
Children learn at their own pace using all of their senses and learning cannot be forced.
The comparison of individual children to a “standard of normal” is nonproductive except to provide a baseline from which special programs can be developed for children who have special needs.
All children have the right to and should be able to experience success in order to promote self esteem and foster curiosity and exploration as a means of learning from their environment.